
"To live in the world without becoming aware of the meaning of the world is like wandering about in a great library without touching the books."
------Dan Brown

Background  music :

Bach’s Goldberg Variations

performed on guitar by

Andreas Almqvist

Uncommon Sense

The Enformity worldview is not based on ancient traditions,or mystical insights, or common sense. Instead, it is an attempt to see the world from the perspective of  the un-common ways of knowing that we call empirical Science and theoretical Philosophy.


So be advised that when the text refers to a “thing”, it could be the physical object in your hand, or the meta-physical concept in your head.


Objects too small or too large to grasp physically may still be manipulated by the human mind via the sixth sense of Reason.


THIS WEBSITE IS A SEQUEL  to the thesis presented on the Enformationism site. There the novel concept of ordinary information as the fundamental substance of reality was introduced, and supported by reference to some of the cutting edge science of the 21st century. Another new term and concept, Enformy, was defined as the organizing principle of the universe. Now I wish to build on that foundation to construct a philosophical, scientific, and religious paradigm suitable for our current level of understanding. But first I have coined another new label to distinguish this fledgling worldview from other old and new conceptions of physical and metaphysical reality. Enformity is a salient quality of our universe which has been overlooked by materialistic science, and taken for granted by spiritualistic theologies. It derives from the ultimate state of Eternity/Infinity within which the natural world, that we experience as Space/Time, exists. Hence, Enformity is the defining characteristic of  the material world, which has been enformed (created) from immaterial information : ideas.

For the purposes of this enformative endeavor, I will take the liberty of assuming that the Enformationism  thesis is a valid scientific paradigm–-as factual as the theory of Evolution. In fact, evolution is an essential feature of an enformed world. And Enformity is the quintessential feature of the natural world. So let’s see how this novel way of looking at our cosmic environment will change some of our prior assumptions and beliefs.

Perhaps the most important implication of the Enformationism thesis is that the ultimate “reality” of our existence is not Matter, but Mind. The worldview based on that axiom is what I call Enformity. And this website will try to expand on the glimpse provided by that insight into the nature of Nature. Welcome to an on-going, open-ended  journey of discovery : The Enformity Project.

—— gnomon












place to explore the meaning and ramifications of a new philosophical and scientific hypothesis that I have chosen to call Enformationism. The term spelled with an "I" had already been used elsewhere in various contexts and meanings, so I looked for an alternative name. Since the new scientific term Enformy was already in use, with a meaning similar to what I had in mind, I simply chose to change the spelling of my proposed coinage.

This informal thesis does not present any new scientific evidence, or novel philosophical analysis. It merely suggests a new  perspective on an old enigma : what is reality?  The so-called  “Information Age” that began in the 20th century, has now come of age in the 21st century. So I have turned to the cutting-edge Information Sciences in an attempt to formulate my own personal answer to the perennial puzzles of Ontology, the science of Existence.

I am neither a scientist, nor a philosopher, so the arguments herein carry no more authority or expertise than those of anyone else with an interest in such impractical musings. This is intended to be an open-ended thread, because it’s a relatively new and unproven concept, and because the ideas presented here are merely a superficial snapshot of what promises to be a whole new way of understanding the world : philosophically, scientifically, and religiously.

Since many of these ideas were first expressed in the form of short essays and forum posts, some of the contents of this site are simply re-posts from a variety of other un-related contexts. And yet inter-relationship is a key theme of Enformationism, so I will try to tie these disparate discussions together with links to related items here and elsewhere.





What kind of wacky website is this, you ask?

It has nothing to sell. All opinions are free.

. . .And worth every penney. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

It has no doctrine to push. It’s a model worldview, not a
. . .mandatory belief system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

It is meant only to offer food for thought. If it doesn’t
. . .suit your taste, cook-up your own. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

It is part of an ongoing personal search for wisdom,
. . .for truth, and for understanding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

It is presented as-is, and no warranty of objective
. . .factuality is implied. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

It attempts to steer a safe course between the Scylla of
. . .Materialistic Science & the Charybdis of Spiritualistic Faith.

It follows the methodology of naturalistic Science as far

. . .as possible. But it does not shy away from meta-physical
. . . speculations where necessary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

It will take issue with mainstream conventional Science,

. . .and with fringey unorthodox Pseudo-science. . . . . . . . .

It deals with controversial technical scientific and
. . .philosophical questions, but from a layman’s perspective. It uses some edgy New Agey Noetic terminology
. . .where necessary, but it’s not intended to promote any
. . .associated magical mystical notions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .






The circumpunct symbol (circle and dot) used as a bullet in this document is a traditional symbol of God. The circular image on the Enter page is a sort of circumpunct, composed of a black hole in space (a door to infinity) overlaid with the Michelangelo hand of creation. None of the symbols herein are intended to be anything more than graphic devices with some historical significance.



 Click here for explication of four pertinent  philosophical categories.


Throughout the site you will find side-notes cautioning against jumping to un-intended and un-warranted popular inferences.


Phil Terms Iframes

That’s why we must entertain super-naturalistic or meta-physical explanations for those aspects of the world that are most important to humanity.